Minneapolis Dinner Meeting: 2013 Minnesota Residency Law Update
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Given Minnesota’s current tax climate, many are considering changing their residency from Minnesota to a state with lower or no taxes. Making a residency change, however, has become increasingly difficult: the Minnesota Department of Revenue’s audits have significantly increased and the law relating to residency changes is in a state of flux. This presentation will cover the current status of the law relating to residency changes (including changes in the Minnesota Department of Revenue’s attitude toward residency audits, 2013 Minnesota Supreme Court decisions, and the proposed snowbird tax), identify issues that our clients should consider before attempting to change their residency, and offer tips on how to best prepare for and survive a Minnesota residency audit.
Registration, Networking & Dinner: 5:15
Meeting Begins: 5:30 pm
Meeting Ends: 7:00 pm
About Masha Yevzelman...
Masha focuses on state and local tax disputes at the audit, administrative appeal, and court litigation levels. Masha has experience litigating and resolving individual and corporate income tax, residency, sales and use tax, cigarette and tobacco tax, insurance tax, Minneapolis Entertainment Tax, and various other state and local tax matters. Masha’s practice also includes federal income tax planning and IRS disputes, such as helping clients comply with requirements relating to foreign income, foreign bank accounts, and Passive Foreign Investment Companies.
Masha serves clients from a variety of industries including cooperatives, entertainment, hotel, product distribution, computer software and hardware, insurance, aircraft leasing, securities, energy, retail, credit services, healthcare information technology, and photographic equipment and supplies.