Virtual Morning Meeting - You and Your Aging Clients: Long Term Care & Critical Illness Planning
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Time: 7:45am - 9:00am
Location: ZOOM - Register through CVent
Speaker: Kelly Decker, MS, LUTCF, Ph.D.
This session is a comprehensive overview of what professionals need to now to best help advise their clients, friends and family about the topic and issues of Long Term Care Planning.
Learning Objectives - Session participants will learn:
- What is Long Term Care, the probability of needing care, and the crisis occurring in our country.
- Common misconceptions about long-term care insurance, health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid.
- Factors to consider when planning for the need of a chronic and/or critical care illness.
- Costs of care in Minnesota and across the United States.
- Solutions available today to solve for the need of long-term care.
- Reasons why one should consider long-term care insurance planning.
- Suggestions and resources to help you speak with your clients, friends and family about the legal, medical, and financial issues associated with aging.
Approved CE: 1 CFP® & 1 CLE & 1 MN Insurance
Zoom Webinar Login: 7:45 – 7:55 am
Announcements: 7:55 – 8:00 am
Presentation: 8:00 – 9:00 am