AFTERNOON Meeting & Social: Planning for Stranger Things
Approved for 1 hour of CFP(R) CE!
At this session, we will examine a number of situations wherein the assets and/or the beneficiaries involved were of a nature that one would never expect to encounter in the administration of an estate/trust or any conservatorship. This will go beyond the mundane “pet trusts” and “gun trusts” and touch, among other things, upon what some may consider macabre. Values in and of themselves and not just the nature of the assets do from time to time create problems that no one considers in advance. We will try to address these.
This session will be an interactive learning experience wherein participants will ultimately leave with an appreciation of the due diligence to be performed and the powers to be included in the planning process.
Registration and Networking: 3:30 pm
Presentation Begins: 4:00 pm
Program Ends: 5:00 pm
Networking Social: 5:00-6:30 pm