Lunch Meeting: Deep in the Heart of Taxes – Reflections of a Former IRS Counsel Field Attorney

Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Crowne Plaza Northstar
Speaker: David Zoss, Former IRS Litigator

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Deep in the Heart of Taxes – Reflections of a Former IRS Counsel Field Attorney
Presenter David Zoss

Former litigator with the IRS




Mr. Zoss will outline the structure of the IRS Office of Chief Counsel and its role in tax administration; briefly review the Procedural and Administration provisions of Subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code; and provide some file-building "best practices" for estate and tax planners.  Anecdotes from his 40 year career as a practicing attorney will hopefully provide meaningful context.  Mr. Zoss will also provide some brief comments regarding newly enacted tax legislation, and tax changes currently on the drawing board.

From his presentation, Mr. Zoss will hopefully provide attendees with better awareness and understanding of:
1) The role of IRS attorneys in tax administration;
2) The Procedure and Administration provisions of the Internal Revenue Code; and,
3) File building to protect the future interests of clients.

Registration, Networking and Lunch 11:30 am
Presentation Begins Noon
Program Ends 1:00 pm

Pending approval for 1 hour of Minnsota insurance and CLE continuing education

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